
blake-bowling avatar image
blake-bowling asked

BMV712 current spikes 2 orders of magnitude high.

I have 2 BattleBorn 24v batteries, 300w solar, a BMV-712 and a victron 100/30 MPPT, all working perfectly until two weeks ago, when "possibly" the firmware upgrade altered something,

I had noticed that my SOC was low, usually 5-8% percent lower than 100%. MPPT showed fully charged, and when I unplugged and volt tested, all were at 100%. So the BMV was off.

Two days ago, I caught what was going on using the app (see screenshot). When an appliance , such as the roof vent started, or fridge compressor, the amps out shoot up WAY up. sometimes 50-80 amps, and sometimes as high as 280.

needless to say my system cant handle that, and its absurd to say the lease. for one thing, the roof fan is on a 15 amp fuse...pulled it when I saw it spike and as you would expect, the amps fell to 0.xx as they should be.

I have looked over every part of the system and have to conclude that I have a corrupt firmware, or of course I missed something.

anyone have any ideas?screenshot-20210823-075519.png

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This type of thing is usually caused by a bad connection somewhere between the shunt and the BMV unit. Connections may appear visually fine, but dust and corrosion can cause these anomalies.

Check and clean the RJ11 plugs and receptacles. Another thing can be the PCB aside the shunt, check it and check that the screws attaching it are secure.

The firmware update is probably a coincidence. I am running this firmware on my BMV and I don't have any issues.

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