
macca-75 avatar image
macca-75 asked

Multiplus tripping circuit when powering on


First time poster here, but I've been using the Victron MPPT units for a while.

I recently bought a second hand Multiplus 12/3000/120 unit (230v version) The guy demonstrated it and it seemed to work fine.

I had a sparky cut an extension cord in half and wire 1 tail into the AC in and the other to AC out1. It sat on my test workbench with no load, but powered on. (No battery connected).

During this time I managed to get the firmware updated (to support Victron Connect on my phone). I could view the unit via the MK3 adaptor but not change anything (I think it's a limit of the older firmware/chips). I also hooked a Raspberry Pi running Venus OS onto it using a MK3 adaptor and reporting into VRM - everything seemed to be going well.

After a few days the unit tripped the circuit at home.

Now when I try and switch the unit on the MAINS light flashes (approx 4-5 times) as part of th boot process. As soon as the "Float" light switches on the unit trips the circuit.

Any thoughts or feedback on what the issue could be?

Should I hook at (fused) battery to the unit?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

A MultiPlus is not designed to run without a battery.
So you should connect one and the system should be running.

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macca-75 avatar image
macca-75 answered ·

Thanks - I'll charge my battery with a separate charger (to make sure it's full) and put a small fuse in line (just in case - I don't want to blow the battery if the Multiplus is faulty) and try booting with battery attached. Thanks @Matthias Lange

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macca-75 avatar image
macca-75 answered ·

@Matthias Lange - DE - I connected a battery and powered it on. Instead on the mains light flashing a few times them tripping the circuit it blew the fuse on the DC cable almost straight away and the overload LED light up.

Looks like I will need to send it to a repairer as soon as I can get it there. Being an older model not sure spares will be available.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Disconnect the AC wires and try again.

Victron gives 5 years warranty, you have to check the serial number. It should be on a sticker inside and on the back of the unit and starts with HQXXYY. XX=production year YY=production week

If the numbers doesn't start with HQ than the unit is more than 10 years old.

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macca-75 avatar image macca-75 Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
def more than 10yrs I suspect (based on the fact I can't find HQ anywhere on the sticker)

Thanks for your help

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