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-mju asked

Blue Solar MPPT: No load output current measurement

Hello all,

I'm using a BlueSolar MPPT device in a mobile application (camper van). Beside solar charging I'm also using the onboard generator and an external AC/DC charger.

My simplified setup looks as follows:


The setup works well except for the Load Output Current/Power measurement which is always sensing 0A although current is flowing.

I believe this is due to the grounding concept in the car: (some) electrical consumers use chassis GND. Also I need to tie battery minus to chassis GND to use the generator for charging.

Can anybody confirm that GND currents as indicated by the green arrow bridge MPPT's current sensing circuit or explain, why I can't measure any current?


MPPT Controllers
diagram.png (20.0 KiB)
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-mju avatar image -mju commented ·
Has anybody an idea?
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I think the problem is the grounding of the load to the chassis.
Try to remove that.

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