
andrea-boni avatar image
andrea-boni asked

Orion DC/DC Charger performance

Hi, I've recently installed a DC/DC charger (preparing for lithium) and I noticed that the a) the charger gets really hot (cannot touch it) and b) after a few minutes the amperage drops to 10~13A while the charger is rated for 30A.

It's true that the batteries where already 85% charged and this may be a factor.

I guess the the two events are related and the charger auto-limits the output, but in this case I'm not sure about the usefulness of the device.

Any similar experience?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
peter-bris avatar image
peter-bris answered ·

20210805-121932small.jpgIt's easily overlooked, the unit is rated 360W. So if the voltage at the output terminals is 14.4V for instance, the current can't be more than 25A.

And, the manual states there's temperature derating above 40degC.

I've tested this by embedding the Orion in foam beans which drove its temperature up to 64degC. Output voltage was 13.9V according to the app, and the current a bit over 24A which is about 335W due to temperature derating.

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andrea-boni avatar image andrea-boni commented ·

You still can see 24A, which is pretty good - the degradation I see is much more severe (down to 10~13A).

I still think that it should not heat up so badly. If it's affect performance so heavily even if the environment temp is within its operational limits, sounds like a design issue.

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remibggx avatar image
remibggx answered ·

I see that you haven't got any further answers.

I do have the same issue. I charge at 13.9v and my 160Ah does not ge its cells charged at more than 3.35v each or a little more.

The manual on the Orion says that it should charge between 14v and 15v.

I wonder if the vehicle battery plays a role here. Although mine seems in good condition, I might miss something.

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