
eshopsgr avatar image
eshopsgr asked

Do l have to use a pc to set up 5000 24v multiplus or can i use my smartphone for that?

Do l have to use a pc to set up 5000 24v multiplus or can i use my smartphone for that? How can i make the set up please? Thanks

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

I’m not sure on the 5000, but on my Multiplus 3000/24v I do have to use my PC. There is a Bluetooth dongle available that might allow wireless interface. But I purchased the USB to CAT5 type dongle when I bought my MP, so that’s what I use.

It is my understanding that some of the newer ones have BT connectivity built in, but mine does not.

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