
joeccv avatar image
joeccv asked

Generator Auto Start/Stop programming guidelines?

When programming the autostart feature of a generator through a multiplus inverter charger, is there a guide on what factors to look at (generator size/starter amps required, battery bank size, etc) to come up with the start and stop conditions? I've watched the generator video on victron professional and read much of the links that the module refers to, but I'd like to determine what to low voltage start condition should be, and how to factor the starting power requirements of a generators starter. The last thing I want is to have a battery bank that can't start the generator when it is triggered.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Your message does not really make any sense. also the conditions are determinaed by yourself and there is no set guild lines, the Venus Gx device closes a relay when the conditions that you set are met, these conditions are in the autostart menu of the GX device and are really quite basic and easy to set.


start the gen when the voltage is at set voltage value

Stop the gen when the voltage reaches this value

I suggest you ONLY use voltage until you get use to how it operates.

if you use multi settings then you may confuse your self as multi conditons can be triggered at the same time.


if you use muti conditions then .ALWAYS look at the reason that the gen autostart has been trigered as this will point you in the direction needed as you then know why it started

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