
mlsadler avatar image
mlsadler asked

Quattro 10KVA over heating

My Quattro 10KVA over heats up in inverting mode even when the loads are just 1000W output, its connected to lithium phosphate batteries LifePo4 weco batteries through the color control gx, its also connected to AC in 2 just for incase the batteries ran low and here have configured 2 assistants one for change over hub1 and the other for no current to charge batteries just to enable passthrough since I only want to charge the batteries with solar, the heating is way too much and the inverter fun is always running.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
CristiMV avatar image
CristiMV answered ·

I had a similar issue with a brand new Quattro 10KVA....even if the inverter was on 1000W load, it was heating a lot (I've measured up to 70-75 degrees on the transformers), plus it had also a clicking noise. I've opened up a case and I got it replaced. I advice you to do the same.

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mlsadler avatar image mlsadler commented ·
Thank you for that response am already putting in a request for a replacement
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