
sashaberk avatar image
sashaberk asked

Viewing error reports

Hi, sorry if it is obvious, but I can't figure it out.

While configuring new installation MultiPlus 120/3000 I ran into a problem.

The setup is primitive - just MultiPlus with 2 lithium batteries connected.

I wanted to configure aux input as a safety switch for inverter. But every time I add

safety switch assistant and load it to device - MultiPlus starts blinking all front LEDs intermittently.

And this is a problem in itself.

But then I clicked a button on Assistant Tools tab to generate Error Report. It saved it - but the file looks like binary. How do I view it?

Of course for extra credit - why would adding assistant break configuration?

Or does it? I made assumption that blinking all LEDs is bad - waited for some time for it to settle down.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Do you have a switch connected to the AUX and tried to switch it after sending the settings to the Multi?

All LEDs blinking alternately is the sign that the safety switch is activated.

Use the Victron Toolkit app to identify your LED code.

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