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philipr asked

ESS & PV inverter together with charge control assistant

Trying to solve a request from a client.

Its a 3 phase Multiplus-II installation with both ESS, Fronius inverter & Victron MPPT.

The client wants to "smart charge" the systems on a daily base according to price & Emmision loads. Thats not the problem...

Im thinking to use the Charge Current control assistant to enable & disable charging from the grid, but would that conflict with charging from PV inverters? Would a 1A charge limit stop the inverters from charging?

Ignoring AC1 is not a option since that would mess us other things in the ESS setup.

Is there any option to set the system to charge on demand or top up the batteries on denmand without messing the system up?

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1 Answer
philipr avatar image
philipr answered ·

Really. Is the system so simple that its impossible to allow charging from an external trigger?

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