
juanfernandez avatar image
juanfernandez asked

VE.CAN BMS connection and VE.CAN MPPT charge controller error #68 LV-HUB ESS


Currently perform an installation with 3 SmartSolar charge controllers 250-85 MPPT with VE.Direct and VE.CAN ports, in order to get the best efficiency and synchronization they are connected in a chain as indicated in the following image.

Victron clearly indicates that the two communication cables VE.DIRECT and VE.CAN cannot be connected to the CCGX.

Information: When connecting the controllers in cascade and connecting it to the CCGX, the charge controller does not appear on the display, the configuration of the CCGX is changed as indicated in the manual and the charge controller does not appear, but the VE.CAN of the CCGX and connect the VE.DIRECT cable appears right away.

The following image is the communication that the MPPT must have in cascade to the CCGX, according to the user manual.



Also to this is added that the installation has Pylontech US3000 Lithium batteries. Victron recommends using "type B cable" to communicate with the battery bank in the CCGX through the CAN port. The 500kbit / s communication is used and it works correctly, but how can both devices work on the CAN communication port with the lithium battery and the VE.CAN MPPT charge controller (daisy-chained) if they both work at different speeds of communication?

There is also the error # 68 "misconfigured network"

This installation has the ESS system loaded as indicated by the Victron configuration:


A battery controller was connected to this HUB-LV installation to increase the battery bank, it mainly had 8 batteries and now the battery bank is 16, we divided the bank 4 batteries to connect the HUB-LV, but the status LED it constantly palpates red, we do not know the problem, since it was connected in the same way as indicated in the following diagram. Will the battery controller firmware update be missing?

All drivers are updated and configured the same

Charge controller version: v3.05

Bootloader: v1.07

The inverter of this system is a 15kVA inverter

Greetings, looking forward to contributing together.

User Manual Charge Controller 250-85 VE.CAN : MPPT solar charger manual (

VEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You can't use a battery with BMS-CAN and MPPTs with VE.Can together at a CCGX.

You have to connect the MPPTs via or use a Cerbo GX.

The Cerbo GX has 2x2 CAN-BUS ports and you can use 2 for BMS-CAN and the other 2 for VE.Can.

1 comment
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juanfernandez avatar image juanfernandez commented ·

Hello, we have bought the Cerbo GX device and we have connected the battery controller, the communication cable is "type B", but the CERBO GX indicates a constant alarm where it indicates internal failure without stopping.

Everything is well connected, but the pylontech battery controller is not working properly.

I attach the images so that you can observe, the communication of the controller is from the "CANOUTPUT" to the Cerbo at the entrance of the "BMS-CAN"

This cable was designed for "type B" and it does not present any problem, the CERBO GX reads the information of the battery, but it indicates internal fault of the controller.













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-baterry.jpg (80.4 KiB)
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