
pigwet avatar image
pigwet asked

Multiplus no longer connects to Cerbo GX after smart dongle firmware update

Tonight I was prompted to update the firmware on my Ve.Bus Bluetooth smart dongle connected to my Multiplus (it was stated as mandatory on my android phone). I used the app to install the update and now the Multiplus no longer shows up on my Cerbo GX as a connected device nor do I see it displaying any AC output power on the Cerbo screen when the inverter is on and providing AC power to my load. On my phone the Multiplus is connected, as well as all my other Victron products. I spend the night powering on/off all the components, including updating the firmware for the Cerbo GX from the touch screen and the BVM via the app. I also completely disconnected power to the Multiplus and still no luck.

Attached are images of my app and a picture of the Cerbo GX screen (which shows no inverter). And yes, the inverter is actually on despite what the app states.

All the devices connected to the app, including the Multiplus inverter/smart dongle. screenshot-20210726-230944.png

(note that the inverter is actually ON despite the app stating it is OFF)


Stuck in an initializing state?


Picture of the Cerbo no longer recognizing the inverter after firmware update.


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
pigwet avatar image
pigwet answered ·

Dumb mistake, I had the com cable plugged into the wrong ethernet port on the Cerbo.

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