
powell789 avatar image
powell789 asked

Buck Boost DC-DC converter not found by TSConfig

I purchased a Victron 100A Buck-Boost DC-DC converter. Having installed it, the LED indicators appear normal (flashing green output LED). However when I connect a Windows 10 PC to it using the USB connector, and run the TSConfig program,

When I run the TSConfig software, a window called "Setup converter connection" appears. When I select the option "Automatic search and connect" it says "searching for converter" but nothing happens.

When I select the option "Manual search and connect", it says "please select the converter COM port and connect...", but then nothing else happens. I tried unplugging the USB cable and plugging it into a different USB port, but nothing happens.

There are two links at the bottom of the window that say, "CLick this link for the latest software" and "this link for the USB driver". Clicking on the first link just confirms that I already have the latest version of TSConfig. Clicking on the second link takes me to a page for, where I downloaded and installed their "CP210x Universal Windows Driver v10.1.10", then restarted the computer.

Despite the above the TSConfig program doesn't communicate with the Buck-Boost converter.

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5 Answers
hoeymick avatar image
hoeymick answered ·

Hi, I have seen your post back in July ref TSConfig and the issue you had, also that you got no replies.I have the same issue now and finding it a nightmare to get any help. Did you resolve the issue and if so how please?

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jan1 avatar image
jan1 answered ·

Auch ich habe dieses Problem und hier leider noch keine Antwort gefunden.

Laptop mi Windows 10 funktioniert alles, es wird ein COM 6 aufgemacht und ich habe Zugriff auf TSConfig225.
Mit neuem Laptop und Windows 11 macht er zwar den Ton beiim anstecken der USB-Leitung aber ich habe keinen Zugriff auf TSConfig.
Alle andere VE-Software von Victron funktioniert einwandfrei.
Wäre doch nett, hier einmal eine Antwort zu bekommen.

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jan1 avatar image
jan1 answered ·

I too have this problem and unfortunately I haven't found an answer here yet.

Laptop with Windows 10 everything works, a COM 6 is opened and I have access to TSConfig225.
With a new laptop and Windows 11 it makes the sound when plugging in the USB line, but I have no access to TSConfig.
All other Victron VE software works perfectly.
It would be nice to get an answer here.

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jan1 avatar image
jan1 answered ·

Ich habe mit dem IObit Driver Booster den Laptop mit Windows 11 gescannt.
Seit dem funktioniert TSConfig225 einwandfrei.

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jopjop avatar image
jopjop answered ·


I had this same problem today when I tried to connect via TSConfig - did not connect by either Auto or Manual. I followed the on screen link for the USB driver and downloaded the Windows Universal driver to my downloads folder. It saves as a zip file. I extracted the zip to a new folder I created called Drivers. I then went into device manager in Windows and located the USB to UART device and right clicked to “Update driver” then selected to “location on my computer“ option and selected my new Drivers folder. TSConfig connected straight away and I was able to configure our Buck Boost.

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Panos avatar image Panos commented ·
best answear
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tomaselli avatar image tomaselli Panos commented ·
After struggling with connecting windows to the Buck, I just followed your description - Works!!
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