
carl avatar image
carl asked

Generator problems

I'm setting up a Quattro 24/8000 and it refuses to accept AC from my Onan 10kw genset. It tries to switch over when the generator is running but when I watch it in VEconfig it reads "L1 not in phase"

I have tried the ususal settings, UPS dissabled, Dynamic current limiter enabled, the max min voltage and current settings are well within the output of the genset, so is the frequency. Extremelz frustrating, anz further advice?

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4 Answers
carl avatar image
carl answered ·

Problem solved, turned out that I needed to connect the AC earth to the generator neutral out, it was previously only connected to the chassis of the generator, somehow this made the voltage “float”, after fixing, runs like a charm!

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ross-donaghy avatar image ross-donaghy commented ·
Your update is very much appreciated.

Too often troubleshooting threads are left unanswered as the OP does not bother to give feedback once problems are solved.

Thank you

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nobodyspecial avatar image
nobodyspecial answered ·

Sorry, no experience with your exact set up but I've had my fair share of generator frustrations. 1- Onan's are usually pretty good generators. 2- Using a DVM have you compared the voltage and frequency of your generator to the Victron readings? 3- Try plugging a big resistive load into the system. Oddly enough a something like a space heater or halogen light tower will "calm" the generator down and allow an inverter to lock onto it.

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carl avatar image carl commented ·
Measuring the same voltage on genset out as on Quattro, it’s all hard wired so not so easy to add a load, but I will try to do that.
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Christopher A. Lindner avatar image Christopher A. Lindner commented ·

Creating a load on generator prior to Multiplus connection is the only Succsess i have had so far ?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I'm assuming this is a single phase system. If not, there could be configuration issues preventing one of the Quatros from accepting it's AC in which would mean all Quatros would reject the generator.

You might check to see of your generator's frequency is stable, not just that its average is in spec. I've seen lightly loaded generators "hunt": speed up, then slow down, then speed up again.

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carl avatar image carl commented ·
Yes, it’s a single phase, frequency appears to be stable, +/- 1 hz, but of course there is a reaction when the load is applied, I thought Quattro would be able to handle that.
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Christopher A. Lindner avatar image
Christopher A. Lindner answered ·

I am having similar problems with a Onans QD5000, the only way I have got them connected so far is by connecting a Toaster to the Onans before turning on the Multiplus. It appears the Onans has a Bad frequency reading IE: over 100hz prior to adding a Load, this was taken with a Multimeter. once the load was introduced the Multi would connect. This was on a 230v system operating on 50hz.

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Christopher A. Lindner avatar image Christopher A. Lindner commented ·

Hi All

Yes the system is a single phase .

I have had a friend check the generator with an oscilloscope, It appears that prior to introducing a Load on the Generator there is a small spike in the Wave form at Approx. 80v either side of the Center of the wave. We think the Multi is seeing this as an out of spec frequency.

Without a load when the Multi is turned on the Wave form becomes very eratic then the Multi disconnects.

Once I introduce a load of at least 200w to the Generator the Multi will connect & the wave form cleans up, when the Multi is connected as long as there is a 4 amp or > load on the Multi the Load on the generator prior to the Multi can be disconnected ?

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