
jayaram-subramanian avatar image
jayaram-subramanian asked

48V Battery charging from an alternator

Hi I want to charge my 48V battery with a 6kW DC alternator connected to an engine. My alternator is variable speed (2500 - 3000 RPM) Permanent Magnet alternator. Therefore voltage varies with speed. Is there any active rectifier chargers option available in the market for this application. Also can I use solar charger for this application since they can take variable voltages. Any help appreciated. It is for a project I am working with a company.

48v battery
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3 Answers
Emmanuel Mercier (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Emmanuel Mercier (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi, it depends of your battery bank size and voltage range of your DC alternator. Take a look to :

DC/DC isolated converters

Charger range : some of them can accept a DC input starting at 90Vdc

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Victron doesn't make any large DC-DC chargers. There may be alternatives from other manufacturers.

The Victron Skylla 48/50 TG charger works on between 180 and 400 volts DC but puts out a max of 50 amps to a 48 volt battery bank (2800 watts). So you'd need two of them in parallel to come close to your 6000 watts from the alternator.

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the-doon avatar image
the-doon answered ·

I’ve been keeping an eye on this company who has a system that suits 48V via a buck boost device they call Scotty. Might be suitable for your needs and they use Victron products.

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