
tigercjn avatar image
tigercjn asked

After upgrade of Multiplus, I accidently sent the old setting file and it wont start now.

So I made a mistake and now it won't work, I tried on and off and no go.

What would be the next thing to try? reinstall firmware onsite using Victron Connect?
is there a button that would reset it to factory settings?
MultiPlus 48/5000/70-100

multiplus ve.bus
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


There is no reset button. You will need an mk3 on site and using ve config since the product is up to date.

The only other way is to use ve flash (if the ve config will not connect) also on site but requires a professional account and is a bit more complicated.

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tigercjn avatar image
tigercjn answered ·

Thanks, that's the conclusion I had. I have the files from the professional account just in case.

I will have a go at it tomorrow.

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tigercjn avatar image
tigercjn answered ·

Fixed, ve config would connect but was not happy with reading the settings so could not be used.
I had to use ve flash to resend the file, the unit is now up and working.
Thanks for the help.

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