
cory-gould avatar image
cory-gould asked

150/100 MPPT all lights blinking and can’t connect via bluetooth

Hey everyone, my install has just reached the point of finally being able to put a charge into my batteries. Charging went well for two days. When I tried to Bluetooth to the MPPT last night the app stalled out and 20%. Looking at the SCC all three lights were flashing. I’ve downloaded the Victron toolkit and see there are two possible reasons, the first indicating that the rotary dial is in position 7, the other being “any error, Bluetooth connecting, rotary position 0”.

I suspect that the latter is the right error code based on the fact that I couldn’t connect to Bluetooth. How does a person get out of this error? My process was to disconnect the panels from the MPPT, then the batteries and reset the app. Seems a little extreme.

mppt charging
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Cory Gould

The three lights blinking together means there is Bluetooth comms but something is happening between your phone and the mppt.

Remove it from paired devices and repair.


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