
powerscol avatar image
powerscol asked

Cerbo GX showing incompleate MultiPlus 3000 information after Cerbo reboot

I just completed and turned on my system It contains the following: MPPT 100/30, MPPT 100/20 (two separate solar panel sets), BMV 712, MultiPlus 3000/12/120, and Cerbo GX with Touch 50. Battery bank is 4-6V Crown CR260's set in series parallel (12V output).

When first turned on everything was good. All devices appeared on the Touch 50 menu with full access to settings. Device listing for the MultiPlus was the full description - MultiPlus 3000/12/120

I wanted to get rid of the unused devices showing on the device list (Tank levels, etc) so I followed the instructions here.

However after the reboot the device list was good (unused removed) except for the MultiPlus 3000. The device list only said Multi, and the accessible setting were gone - it even forgot the MultiPlus 3000 hard switch setting. Multiplus 3000 was powered on with hard switch set to charger only and voltage was/is excellent at 100% SOC 13.4V on float.

How do I get the Cerbo GX to correctly and fully recognize the MultiPlus 3000 again where I can access all of the available settings like had before changing the device list? I followed the instructions exactly.

Any help is appreciated.

Additional information. I programed all devices except the Cerbo GX off of my desk top using the interface cables, and Victrom connect - guided by my supplier. I did not pre-program the Cerbo GX as it appeared the stock setting were OK. I do not have a laptop available to fix this so I am hoping there is a simple way like power things down or disconnecting a cable or two and reconnecting.

Thanks again for any help


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

turn eveything off inc the muti and de power the cerbo, turn the multi back on then re power the cerbo,

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powerscol avatar image
powerscol answered ·

Thank you for the response. I did not need to fully power off. I found the inverter front panel switch had been bumped to off. Once set back to charger everything was fine.

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