This is an off-grid install.
Firmware of each unit has been updated and confirmed
I've enabled DVCC / SVS and such as was discussed on the 2019 " DC coupled MPPT & Multiplus with Sonnenschein @Home Lithium managed battery" forum post.
All unit show on up on the Cerbo GX ( battery, Quattro, CC ) But nothing charges the battery. CC shows it's externally controlled with charge settings, etc. but it doesnt seem to get the " Go " from the battery/BMS.
Same with the Quattro, I've set up unit using the VE-Configure. Turn on the genny, shows voltage, relays click but never locks.
Is there a setting that I could be missing? Or something changed since 2019?
I find it strange I cant get any charging method working. Points me toward a Cerbo setting incorrect.
The battery shows on the Cerbo and I have Can traffic TX/RX. The Supplier and I have been tring all sorts of different things over the last 2 weeks with no luck.