
muffin avatar image
muffin asked

Orion TR Smart 12-12/30 non-isolated charger negative/ground connection


Is it ok to connect GND on the Orion directly to the negative/ground terminal on my leisure battery? The negative terminal on the leisure battery is connected to the aluminium chassis (camper van), same with the starter battery. So the Orion, the leisure battery and the starter battery will all share a common ground, I just want to double check if there is any problem with having the Orion connect to ground via the negative terminal on the leisure battery, as opposed to having it's own negative connection directly to the chassis?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If there is only a wire connecting the leisure battery negative to the chassis then that would be OK.
If you have a shunt (for a battery monitor) between the leisure battery negative terminal and the chassis, then the Orion negative would need to connect to the chassis instead.

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muffin avatar image
muffin answered ·

Thanks @WKirby for the prompt answer. There is no shunt installed and the leisure battery negative terminal goes directly to the chassis, so all good.

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