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perma-batteries asked

3phase balancing with AC coupling ESS


We have a three phase, AC coupled ESS system comprised of 3x Quattro 15KVA . We're confused about how each phase will be balanced in case of unbalanced loads on AC OUT. Let's set the following example :

- We're grid connected and feedback is allowed (ESS mode).

- We have our PV Inverter producing 6000W total (2000W on L1 / L2 / L3).

- We have consumption of 3000W on L1, 0W on L2 and L3.

How will each Quattro behave ? Power could flow according to this :

- L1 : 2000W consumed directly from the PV inverter / 1000W taken from bat

- L2 : 2000W used to charge DC bus (bat).

- L3 : 2000W used to charge DC bus (bat).

Net sum from DC bus would thus be 2000+2000-1000 = 3000W to the battery. Am I getting this right ? Or is this not the right way of calculation ? Can each Quattro decide how much power is pushed through AC OUT independently one of the other in case of a 3ph system ?

Thanks in advance,

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Multiphase regulation tries as much as possible to prevent battery charging on one phase while discharging over another.

Unbalanced loads over the phases are not too much of an issue unless you plan on using a generator as a generator does not like unbalanced loads.

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