
yannick avatar image
yannick asked

Venus OS large clone to multiple cerbo devices

Hi All,

For a project i need several cerbo's running node-red with several adjustments and flow's running.

Is it possible to make everything on 1 cerbo, and clone the whole venus os, including node-red and all the flows to another cerbo? Something like making a custom firmware upgrade SD from a working cerbo.

Kind regards


Venus OS
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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

I'm not sure how many devices you want to 'clone', but this can already be done without too much effort:

  • Install the latest large image FW
  • Install any additional node sets that are required to make the flows function
  • Export all flows and dashboard configuration from the master device as a JSON file (Settings > Export > All flows > JSON > Download
  • Import all flows and dashboard configuration from the JSON file (Settings > Import > Select a file to import)

You can even do the Node-RED cloning remotely via VRM proxy:

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