
kilas avatar image
kilas asked

7Kw system design help

I need help designing my system. How many MPPT do I need to use for a 6KW Pv system 48 V. The panels (18) are 360W each with 47.70V (Voc), Isc 9.56 Amps. Please upload a schematic or wiring diagram if you have one.

Thank you

system design
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

You will need 2 150/75A MPPT's - 6kW at 48v is 125A. 2 off 75A chargers will give 150A total to allow for some spare capacity. At 47.7V Voc, 3 modules can be connected in series to stay in the 150V limit. So there are 3 strings of 3 modules to each charger, you will need 15A fuses in each leg of each string for module protection. Make sure that wiring is of adequate size and type.

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anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

Hi, what country will the system be located in? What angle and orientation will the panels be mounted and will the PV system be roof or ground mounted. What batteries and inverter are you planning to use?

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