
jevanyo avatar image
jevanyo asked

Controller/panels draining battery

I have a simple RV setup. I am experiencing rapid drain of batteries at night and shortened battery life. I do not have loads hooked up to the charge controller but directly to the battery. Is this an acceptable configuration?? Can the solar panels be draining the battery at night?? I have a MPPT75 I 15 controller.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Generally it is best practice to include a load disconnect switch which operates at low voltage. In any case you should have a battery isolator switch which you could turn off at night. It's not likely that the solar panels are draining the battery overnight if the solar charge controller and modules are in good working order.

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detex avatar image
detex answered ·

I'm seeing same on a 75/15. No devices connected to battery, and the battery is on the battery output of the 75/15. Massive drain overnight. Disconnect 75/15 and no drain. Any ideas?

(Ive seen this on multiple batteries now too during testing.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I'd suspect either a wiring issue, or a faulty MPPT. Using a clamp meter, measure the current through each of the leads to the MPPT as the MPPT to tie it down.
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