
powerscol avatar image
powerscol asked

MultiPlus 12/3000/120 showing resistance between 120V Hot and neutral when off.

I decided to check my wiring for shorts before making final connections. Using a multi-meter I discovered resistance between the hot and Neutral on both the in and out 120V wiring. I pulled my connections at the terminal block and just checked the terminal block. Got the same results. So this is internal to the unit. I get resistance readings (short?) between the hot and neutral connection points. is this correct? No power is connected, not even 12V

Additional information. No resistance between hot and ground, or neutral and ground at either connection point for the 120V. Just neutral and hot.

Thanks for any thoughts.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

The inverter has a transformer output. So what you are measuring could be the winding resistance of the transformer's HV winding. There could be other resistive connections between 'Hot" and 'Neutral' for internal voltage monitoring too.

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