
chris105 avatar image
chris105 asked

sinle panel - two controllers 7515 - two battery banks

is there any reason this would not work?

will isolation diodes/FETs be required between controllers and solar panel?

if one battery is in float charge and the other in absorption will the controllers load balance?

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I have never done that, One Panel with the output connected to two MPPT regulators

1 if you did then I suspect the MPPT units Multi power point tracking systems would fit each other plus other complications as each battery at some point would require different amps for charging

I do not think it would work very well

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

As noted previously, the MPPT controllers actively control the panel voltage to get maximum power, not sure what would happen as two controllers both tried to control the voltage.

Consider connecting one battery to the MPPT and then having a DC-DC charger to charge the second battery

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chris105 avatar image
chris105 answered ·

The solar panel is a passive device isn't it and all the MPPT in the controller - not sure. I assume the controllers will draw the current they need - but not sure how this would actually work. Parallel controllers to a single battery bank is a common configuration but in this config the two controllers would theoretical draw the same current.

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