
garddogg avatar image
garddogg asked

solar controller 75/15.. floats below set point

all of a sudden my smart solar controller 75/15 is set to 13.8volts in float setting, but will only float at 13.6 volts, why is this? i see a few ppl having same issue

MPPT Controllersmppt charging
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Do you have lead acid batteries and has the temperature recently increased. If so it may be the temperature compensation coming into play reducing the voltage at higher temperature. I am in the UK and temperature s have increased over the past week to 10 days and mine is now floating at 13.65V. If your system does not have a temperature sensor on the batteries I believe that the controller uses its own temperature, which if it is in a cupboard say can be warmer than the ambient temperature.

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MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

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