
Andy Todd avatar image
Andy Todd asked

Upside Down MPPT 100/20?

Is there a reason the the manual says mount the MPPT 100/20 with the terminals at the bottom?

Another post on the community forum says.... 'Moving upside down is risky: it makes it easy for water to flow into the controller, destroying the controller and possibly putting PV voltage onto the battery output with it' and 'water will "wick" inside the plastic sheath, along the wire strands. Capillary action...'

In my installation the the PV cable runs for some length below the level of the controller and through a switch, so water is not going to get into the MPPT through the PV cable.

Is there another reason it can't be upside down?
MPPT Controllers
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

It does not have to rain on it. If there is water condensation on the wires (high humidity in the air and cold wires), it will drip down inside the solar charger.

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1 Answer
dalsina avatar image
dalsina answered ·

Hi Andy, since this is a passive-cooled device, it has been designed to be installed with the terminals on the bottom. All internal elements are located in a way that airflow helps cool it down. If turned upside down, it will heat up quicker.

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