
guido79 avatar image
guido79 asked

2 MPPT 100/30 Charge Controllers - Only 1 shows on BT

I set up my VictronConnect app to see both controllers and monitor via Bluetooth last month running iOS 14.5 on an iPhone 12 and iPad Pro. I’ve upgraded to 14.6 this month. Now I only see 1 controller and the monitor via bluetooth. How can I get the missing SmartSolar controller to come back?


iPhone 12 Pro; iOS version 14.5 -> 14.6

iPad Pro 12.7”: iOS version 14.5 -> 14.6

SmartSolar models, 100/30

Latest SmartSolar firmware,

VictronConnect v5.41

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
ddickov avatar image
ddickov answered ·

Hi there you could try removing all bluetooth items then restart the phone and open the victron app, if you connect them in the Bluetooth menu it won’t work properly Dont pair each item to the phone just allow the iPhone to search for them, if that doesn’t work I would reboot all victron devices and reboot the iPhone with the hard two button reset three on the iPhone 11 hope this helps a bit thanks david

2 |3000

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Matthew Walsh avatar image
Matthew Walsh answered ·

have you tried to cycle the unit?

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