
markusschwientek avatar image
markusschwientek asked

Multiplus II - AC Input suddenly 0 Watt on GX Touch 50 when connected but battery is charging


I have a strange error on my GX Touch 50 display.

I am using a MultiPlus II 48 V / 5000 / 70-50 Inverter and Pylontech batteries with a Cerbo GX and GX Touch 50 in one system.

Up to now all systems were working pretty fine. But this one system makes some mistakes.

Inverter is up to date (v481) and Cerbo GX too (v2.66).

When I just switch on AC Loads, then I can observe on my display the Watts which the system is using, see here:

1622200413138.pngBut when I add AC Input (Grid), then suddenly both windows are on 0 W. Grid connection is also fine.

But looking at the battery its charging (990W). I don't get it. Settings are fine, used all the same for all the systems and in others it worked fine.


Also when I connect to that directly a cable (USB MK3) to the inverter and start VEConfig, I see in the monitor a number for watts..

Maybe someone could help me. Other systems I am doing exactly the same and are working and show me e.g. 1000 W Grid AC Input and AC loads (if I activate).

Thank you.

Multiplus-IIcerbo gxgx device
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7 Answers
markusschwientek avatar image
markusschwientek answered ·

Ok it seems the inverter is somehow damaged. After talking with the victron support, I will send the inverter back to Victron.

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kamikaze avatar image
kamikaze answered ·

I have the same problem with the new MPII GX. Have you found the solution? Has the inverter been replaced by a new one from victron?

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Strange one as a thought check these settings

I tried it on my Venus unit and could get the AC in to disappear but the output still stayed.

Anyway just a possible cause

presume you have done a full factory firmware reset on both units if not try that.

Also on the cerbo when you go into the device list and select the inverter whats showing in there.



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markusschwientek avatar image markusschwientek Paul B commented ·

Hi Paul, thank you.

Yes I tried how you wrote and also did factory reset and also update of inverter (and settings) and cerbo gx. And still the same problem.

After that I took a 2nd system and did the same, and it works. Therefore I still dont know whats wrong. Connections etc. are correct but something is wrong with the inverter. Here have a look on 2 images of the victron connect monitor. 1st one is working (AC In & Load connected) and 2nd one not well, still 0 W on "Leistung" at AC Eingang L1.

1st working:


And 2nd is also working but showing me 0 W

1622458050535.pngThank you.


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jon-steckbeck avatar image
jon-steckbeck answered ·

I am having the exact same issue with a new multiplus II 2x120 install. The unit shows power consumption while connected via the MK3-ISB and laptop software but when coming through the servo GX touch 50 it shows 0 W AC power consumed.

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sam-salem avatar image
sam-salem answered ·

I am having the same issue. Looks like there are several related posts on this problem:

Can someone from Victron please shed some light? Is this a hardware problem or a firmware issue or configuration?

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604labsdave avatar image
604labsdave answered ·

I too have the same issue! Only way I could get A.C. to show was use the MK3 and plug into the USB. RJ45 only between Multiplus and Cerbo didn't work.

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Doug Murdock avatar image
Doug Murdock answered ·

I am having the same issue. I have a MP II 2x120, Cerbo GX with Touch 50, BB Lithium batteries, Lynx Distributor and a SmartSolar controller (no solar connected yet). I have upgraded firmware to the latest on all products. The AC output will show a value with the MP is inverting but once AC input is detected both the input and output AC will show 0W. It will enter Bulk charging when the AC input is supplied. It appears the AC passthrough works since the AC loads on either L1 or L2 functions as expected.

Has there been a solution for this?

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Patrick Wardell avatar image
Patrick Wardell answered ·

I referenced this post in my post about what seems to be the same issue. I got a post back from person I Greece @Vangelis Beligiannis that indicated this is a common problem with multiplus-ii and the external AC current sensor plug (1/8" audio jack). I tried his fix and it worked! Here is my post with the solution: Hope this helps. BTW, If this does fix the problem please communicate to Victron about it. There seems to be plenty of people with the same issue and this need to be fixed or communicated. Note that I did update the multiplus-ii to firmware v4.94 and it started displaying AC out 1 on the vrm before I tried the fix.

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