
terryshanko avatar image
terryshanko asked

New System, do I have everything?

Having had Victron components in may last system, We went pretty much all Victron in the new system. I am just looking for some insight as to if I am missing anything. This has all gone in to our 2021 Grand Design 2800BH, that replaced the 2018 that was destroyed in a rollover last summer. I have purchased;

- 12V Multiplus 3000

-Victron Lynx Distributor

-Victron SmartSolar MPPT 150/100 (for the 4 275W31V panels)

-Victron Color Control GX

-Victron SmartShunt 500A/50mV

-Victron ASS000100000, temperature sensor (which as I understand works with the Smartshunt)

-To be paired with a Lithium 320Ah 12V

So aside from the 2 marine style kill switches and fuses, Am I missing things, such as the VE.Direct cable? I was lead to understand I could control things from CCGX. An further insight would help.



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4 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You need two VE.Direct cables, one for CCGX - MPPT and the other one for CCGX - SmartShunt.
CAT5 UTP cable for connecting the MultiPlus to CCGX.
If you don't already have one, a MK3 for configuring the MultiPlus. You could use remote VE.Configure via VRM if you have the CCGX internet connected but having a MK3 is a very useful tool to have.

That's what I can think of for now.

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terryshanko avatar image
terryshanko answered ·

Awesome. Thanks wkirby. Order the MK3 and the cables. I am still going through the manuals and the CCGX is an amazing tool.

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alan avatar image alan commented ·

If you haven’t already bought the CCGX get the Cerbo GX/Touch 50 instead. It has more functionality and is faster than the ccgx for about the same price.

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lempke avatar image
lempke answered ·

Maybe add a BMS? Prevent your lithium battery from under or over voltage.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The temperature sensor isn't needed for Lithium batteries. The charging profile needs no temperature compensation.

You definitely need a BMS. Some batteries have one internally but if not, you need one and a way to disconnect DC loads at low battery voltage and chargers at low temperature.

A Venus device (CCGX, Cerbo, etc.) makes a system out of the components. Victron Connect does this in a limited way also. I would recommend you look at alternatives to the CCGX. The Cerbo GX/Touch 50 makes a nice presentation with touchscreen if you can afford it. I'm running Venus on a Raspberry PI with the "official 7" touchscreen". It's a DIY project for sure but it saved me signifiant $$$.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
I would recommend you look at alternatives to the CCGX. The Cerbo GX/Touch 50 makes a nice presentation with touchscreen if you can afford it.

A Cerbo GX + GX Touch 50 has the same price as the CCGX. ;)

So I would always recommend to buy a Cerbo GX + GX Touch 50 instead of a CCGX.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

I stand corrected. Yes Cerbo + Touch 50 is the way to go.

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

The Cerbo + Touch is same price as CCGX

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