
frazthoms avatar image
frazthoms asked

Initial setup of victron charge settings for Leoch agm 130 leisure battery


I am finalising a camper van conversion and have the below victron chargers I need to set the preferences for charging a Leoch AGM 130 leisure battery -

Chargers to setup in app:

- Orion DC Tr smart 12/12 30 non isolated

- MPPT 100/20 48v

- blue smart IP65 12/25

I have the MPPT load outputs feeding the van/starter battery and MPPT battery outputs, the Orion and IP65 feeding the leisure battery.

Nothing unusual here except the load outs from the MPPT to keep the van/starter battery topped up.

I am struggling to determine the best preset

to use in the Bluetooth connect app. The AGM leisure battery isn’t spiral cell from what I can make out and I can’t make heads or tails of confirming battery values.


Can anyone give me a steer on what settings to use in the 3 chargers please and especially how to setup the MPPT to top up the starter battery please?

This is the electric setup in the van:




mppt charging
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2 Answers
Herb avatar image
Herb answered ·

Have a look at the Cyrix range, they are designed to combine and charge both batteries ( starter and leisure) once each reaches the full charge it disconnect your starter battery. It slo have the an option to boost your starter battery from your leisure one in case it’s too low. Good luck

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southsideph avatar image
southsideph answered ·


I am using Leoch 130AH batteries and just have smart solar set to AGM Spiral Cell in the camper, have been using this with show trailer AGMs so far without any detriment. As far as I am aware this is a fairly generic setting and is suitable for most AGM batteries, there was another post saying this - trying to find it.


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