I have built a 4s100p Lithium battery pack and charged the whole thing using the ip67 17a charger.
All was good...
I installed a Daley BMS and have been using it fine until about a week ago when the inverted started rebooting randomly.
I checked out my pack and the first cell pack voltage was 3.63V with the others at 3.99V, 3.94V and 4.2V.
Clearly there is probably something wrong with the BMS?
They were all equal voltage before the initial charge.
They have been charged via Solar for the last couple of months and no issues at all.
My question is this...
Can i use the ip67 charger to charge up 1S - 4.6V with 260aH of juice? Does it go that low on the voltage?
I am using a B6 charger at 7Amps and obviously it's taken a long time!
Another point was I did find a single cell in the 3.99V pack that was very hot and short circuiting which I removed and confirmed was dead. That may have caused the BMS to act up perhaps?
Any thoughts welcome! :-)