
jbyers281 avatar image
jbyers281 asked

Using a multi-meter, should I see continuity between line and neutral on the AC out?

I have all AC in and AC out wires removed from the Multiplus 12/3000/120. With the wires removed I used the continuity test setting on a multimeter to check for continuity between all ports. On the AC out side, I got a tone on neutral and line. I'm assuming this is not correct. If not, what is the next place I should go to solve this?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I don't know for certain but my guess is you are OK. The inverter/charger core couples to the AC line via a transformer that is probably always connected to the AC out terminals. That could certainly look like "continuity"

Hook up the AC in and turn the unit on or charger only with the front panel switch. You should hear a click as the AC input relay closes. You should then see AC input voltage at the AC out terminals.

2 |3000

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jbyers281 avatar image jbyers281 commented ·

Thanks for the response Kevin. So my problem now, and the reason I started checking all this in the first place, is that I cannot get any AC power out unless I have the batteries turned on (I have 2 switches to fully isolate the batteries). Without the batteries on, there will be a sound like a switch, I'll momentarily get power and then it'll shut off AC out.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ jbyers281 commented ·

You always have to have the batteries connected.
The MultiPlus is not designed to work without a battery.

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jbyers281 avatar image jbyers281 Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Thank you for the clarification Matthias. Looks like I overthought the situation.

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