
marvs avatar image
marvs asked

Should RV users choose Shore or Grid as their AC input 1 type? what does this mean?

Does it make a difference if an RV user selects Shore or Grid as their AC input type? I understand that Grid is used to monitor/control power being returned to the grid. This makes me think that Shore is the way to go for RV users. Am I correct?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @MarvS

The terms are often used quite 'loosely'. Eg. in VEConfigure there are settings that have to be considered for both Grid and Shore, even if you're using a Generator.

If you're talking the settings in a GX device, then the difference does carry through to the registers in VRM, and if you change it will count history totals, etc. in a different place. And possibly display in different widgets.

For many people it won't matter at all, but for overall continuity of your own data, just choose one and stick with it.

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