
emnj1117 avatar image
emnj1117 asked

Multiplus will only go to inverter and not charge batteries

Looking for charging solutions: Multiplus 3k has shore power input 120v/ 50amp with 32v Solar. MP only turns on to inverter after a couple of clicks, with Mains light never switching on and no charging. See picture for VE Bus.image.jpg

battery charging
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

VeConfigure if you can run it (Windows only) through a MK3 USB adapter should provide more info on why the input AC is being rejected.

Otherwise looks at input voltage and frequency and compare these against the settings for the Multi.

Make sure you don't have 240 volts connected to the AC in of a 120 volt Multi. If you do or ever did, the Multi may be damaged and never accept AC input.

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