
ofgraf avatar image
ofgraf asked

Effects of Lightening on charge controller

I have an MPPT 75/15 controller. Last night we had an electrical storm with frequent lightening. Each time there was lightening, even though not close, the system would shut off for about a second and then turn back on. The lightening strikes were not nearby, and perhaps cloud to cloud. Why would that happen? The system worked OK between the lightening events and is working OK today.

MPPT ControllersMPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Its more than likely a EMP effect would be my guess

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ofgraf avatar image ofgraf commented ·

I would think that EMP is the best explanation since there was no direct strike near the equipment. I would like to know if other folks have witnessed the same phenomenon. Also, is there any way to protect against these EMP effects?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ ofgraf commented ·


Yes we have experienced the same thing here with strikes so close that everything shuts down and restarts. With overhead lines we pyhsically disconnect from grid and even physically unplug solar panels. We have lightning and surge protection in place but EMP is a different animal.

There are products out there that market as devices that help with this sort of thing. We have never used them personally. And there are alot of articles saying they don't.

Of course a Faraday cage is also another consideration, but lightening is a funny thing, always expect the unexpected.

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