
gouwzee avatar image
gouwzee asked

Orion-tr smart idle power/ standby verbruik

I recently installed an orion-tr smart dc-dc charger and it charges my houshold battery much better than the dynamo did combined with a battery isolator.

However, I left the boat and realised too late that the orion is powered by the starter battery. I also left in the switch bridge. So I wonder: what is the idle power draft of the Orion (switch bridge in and out)

The spec sheet mentions "Geen laadingangstroom" or "off-load current" of <80mA, but this doesn't strike me as the idle power.

I want to figure out how much time I have before it kills my starter battery.

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orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @gouwzee

The 80mA is probably the least of your worries if you've left it turned on. It's also a boost converter, and will continue to charge as it can until the start battery is 7V, dead flat. (assuming 12V system)

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gouwzee avatar image
gouwzee answered ·

Thuis surprises me. I believe it is first activated around 13,8 VDC, when the dynamo voltage indicates that the starter battery is pretty much full.

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