
jerothle avatar image
jerothle asked

Multiplus firmware-can't update

Multiplus firmware update.

Current firmware is 2702413.HEX20210505-144831.jpg

I am using Victron Interface MK3 to USB (tried on 2 different computers, run as administrator and normal) Windows 10.

Port is autodetected for MK3.

Follow steps...


I have tried different patch cables.

Is this Multiplus not update-able?

I have tried 2702433 and 2702481. No success.

I have it connected to the Cerbo Gx on the VE.bus. I have read that it cannot be updated online through the Cerbo GX yet. The muliplus is working fine.

However, I also have the VE.bus Smart Dongle and it won't connect with firmware below 415.

I want to have multiple options for connecting to maintain the Multiplus.

I have read posts on this forum of successful firmware updates, but detailed steps were not given.

I have switched off... reconnected... tried both newer firmwares... 2 different windows 10 computers... different patch cables...

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Is your Multiplus detected in VE.Configure 3?

Did you disconnected the inverter from Cerbo GX first?

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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Try to disconnect the Cerbo during the update.

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pmikep avatar image
pmikep answered ·

I use VictronConnect to update the firmware on my Mulitiplus with my MK3 to USB.

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lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·


I have the exact same need and problem and described my steps in great detail here;

Did you even manage to find the issue and resolve it?


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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

Did someone managed to solve this connection problem ???

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