
Johnny Velasquez avatar image
Johnny Velasquez asked

100/20 48v charger in pv input

Can I connect a 48v charger that has 58.8v 8a specifications to the PV input on the MPPT 100/20 48v to charge a 48v LifePO4 battery? I'm not sure the charger is 3 stage so I don't want to connect it directly to the battery as it might damage it. But if it is connected through the MPPT I believe the MPPT will only suppy whatever charge is needed to the battery.

mppt charging
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2 Answers
gro avatar image
gro answered ·

I doubt what you are suggesting will work. The MPPT will want to vary the PowerPoint by changing the voltage on a PV array. I expect that the MPPT varies the PowerPoint in order to reduce/increase the incoming power in order to control the output power. I doubt your power supply will mimic a PV array. I would not try it.

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

How does the MPPT change the voltage on a PV array?

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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is possible to do this, people have done this before. but remember that this is not the intended use for this MPPT.
To prevent overloading your power supply, you should adjust the output current limit of the MPPT to ensure that the 8A limit of your power supply is not exceeded. Also make sure that the duty cycle of the power supply is not exceeded, it might not be able to provide the full 8A continuously.

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