
dougfreeman avatar image
dougfreeman asked

Board Material for Mounting MultiPlus

I'm making a box for mounting all my solar power equipment and wiring in my van. The MultiPlus manual says to mount in "heatproof environment". The easy thing is to construct the walls with plywood. Is there some other material for the sides of the box that would be "heatproof" and "fire resistant"?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
rickp avatar image
rickp answered ·

I mounted mine directly to plywood, and have had no heat issues, but mine is housed in an open air environment. I’ve seen others use plywood backing with a piece of thin diamond plate sheetmetal over the top. That’s an option if you’re concerned about a fire threat.

Otherwise, you could line that side with something fireproof like hardi-backer, but I don’t think that added mess and weight is warranted. The MP is already spaced off the backing and doesn’t get that hot.

Just my opinion!

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dougfreeman avatar image dougfreeman commented ·

Thank you. What thickness on the plywood? I will have 1/2" Baltic Birch left over from van flooring. But, it also comes in 3/4" 5x5 panels.

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tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

I've mounted mine on plywood as well. No problemo. My plywood is about 18mm thick.

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