
aaront avatar image
aaront asked

Multiplus 12/2000/80/30 auto input power limiting

Hi Guys, setup is a Multiplus 12/2000 with a Cerbo and GX digital multi controller

The issue I am experiencing or trying to understand is how the input or shore power works.

Say i connect a Honda 1 KVA genset and set the limit to 4.5 amps and turn a load of 750 watts on and the generator starts to ramp up to 850 watts and all good. turn load off and genset ramps down to just above the base load and shows a positive input to the battery bank

Now if i do the same thing but add an additional 900 watt load to a total of 1650 watts the genset ramps to the limited 1000 watts and the multiplus starts to assist for the additional 650 watts, all good so far but here is where the issue starts, turn the 900 watt load off and instead of the generator staying at say 850 watt input it drops below the 750 watt load to say 650 watt and draws the negative balance from the battery bank and appears to stay like this

It does not matter if its a 1KVA or 2KVA Honda generators the same scenario seems to happen

I can trick the input power to rise again by quickly setting the current limit up and back down again but if i leave it up it overloads the genset

I have tried different settings like UPS and dynamic on and off and no real luck

Hope this makes sense and someone has a solution or reason for this

Thanks Aaron

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is possibly your battery charging amps also influencing the draw from the generator. What is it set to charge at?

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aaront avatar image aaront commented ·

charger is set to the full 80amps

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