
eml100 avatar image
eml100 asked

Multiplus 12/800/35 for charging Li-ion batteries?

I'd like to get a Multiplus 12/800/35 charger/inverter for my van conversion, which has a TN Power LFP12100 100Ah leisure battery.

However, after checking the manuals/videos/etc, it seems pretty clear that the Multiplus is not happy charging generic Li-ion batteries. I may be able to get it working if I get an MK3 adapter and try to set it up specifically, or I may not, and the MK3 seems to cost as much as an unbranded generic Li-ion charger anyway.

Question: is it likely that I can charge this battery using just the DIP switches? Is it likely that I can charge it by programming the Multiplus? Or should I just buy a separate charger and inverter? Thanks.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerLithium Battery
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Reading the datasheet for your battery it suggests a charged Voltage of 14.6V with a tolerance of ±0.2V. So 14.4V to 14.8V is allowed.
Therefore, the factory setting of 14.4V would work although it's right on the lower limit. This could prolong the life of the battery at the expense of slightly less stored energy.

If you mant to get closer to the specified 14.6V with DIP switch setting, then you could go for the 14.7V setting:

So, it is possible to get where you want with just the basic DIP switch settings without the need for a MK3.
Much finer control and setting of exact parameters is done with the MK3 and VicronConnect or VE.Configure.

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