Just received an Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-Volt 30 amp DC-DC Charger (Non-Isolated) intending to replace the existing battery isolation relay under the passenger seat in my 2019 Mercedes Sprinter based RV. Reading the installation manual it says to mount the TR vertically (wires down) with 10 cm above & below. There is nowhere near that much clearance for vertical mount under the seat. Until reading the manual I had planned on mounting it horizontally to the metal floor where there is good clearance in all directions. If I can't do this, my best solution is to return the Orion unused and find a different DC-DC charger. But I really like the features of the Orion TR Smart.
I understand the reason for vertical mounting is to allow for heat convection upward. But would it be possible (maybe with a 12v thermal fan) to mount it horizontally? I don't want to experiment since I'd rather return it unused if this isn't practical. BTW, relocating the charger to another location really isn't practical since it would involve too many modifications to existing wiring and might void the RV's warranty. The location under the seat is ideal since it has all the wires needed an is between the two battery banks.