
edgargw22 avatar image
edgargw22 asked

Raspberry Pi Newbie & Python

I just picked up a new Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 32GB. I would like to develop software (Python) to do some simple monitoring. My understanding is that I need to load the Venus OS, but it looks like that makes my Pi into a CCGX, which I already have.

What do I need on my Pi to access Victron devices on my network?


Raspberry Pi
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The PI you just bought will NOT run Venus OS because of an incompatibility with the Rev 1.4 boards. For now, it's recommended to select a Pi 3 to run Venus OS on.

You could extract data from the CCGX using dBus calls over ssh, via MQTT or ModBus. You might also look into Signal K or Node Red, but you need to run the "large" version of Venus on the CCGX and it might be under powered.

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paul-w avatar image
paul-w answered ·

This would likely be your starting point, but the Pi 4 is hit and miss and not supported as yet.

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