
gamma1966 avatar image
gamma1966 asked

High DC Ripple changed from 'Warning' to 'Alarm'

I have a Victron Multipass III in my 2014 Unity MB. The feed from the battery is over 4/0 cable pair. Charger works fine. The inverter has worked reliably over the past 2 years. Today when trying to run the Inverter I am getting this Alarm condition, as soon as I run the Microwave Convection oven. The microwave draws about 1500 watts @ 120 vac so about ( 1500 / 12 ) = 125 Amps of 12 Vdc current. All AC wiring is 10 Awg. Trying to figure out what has changed, since it has been working up to now? Any ideas .. Google searches say it means battery is low ( I have battery 750 AHrs of Lithionics ) fully charged, or they say wiring is at fault? I checked Continuity of wiring from inverter back to battery buss, in tact and very little resistance due to 4/0 welding cable used?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

High current connections can loosen over time, so the first thing to do is check all bolts to make sure everything is tight. Use a torque wrench if you have one.

You didn't say which Multi you have. The manuals have suggested minimum wire sizes.

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gamma1966 avatar image
gamma1966 answered ·

Others have suggested I check the programming of the MultiPass II 3K unit. When I get back home, and have the USB interface needed to program the unit; I will check the configuration. i.e. restore it from the stored file I have downloaded when they unit was working as advertised.

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