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suntech-solar asked

Multiplus 3000/120A noise in inverter mode

Just installed a multiplus 3000/120A. It appears to charge fine on the charge only setting. As soon as I select the inverter on button, it get super noisy and starts draining the 3 AGM battery bank it's connected to. To try and eliminate certain things, I manually tried turning off every 110V breaker individually to see if it made a differrence, nothing. I turned the main breraker from the inverter to the load and still no change in noice. Is it possible there's something going on internally and causing some kind of internal draw?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@SunTech solar

The best thing to do is totally isolate / physically disconnect all wiring but the battery cabling and switch it into invert mode to see if it the inverter or a wiring related issue.

If all the ac input and output is out and it still persists then send it in for repair.

The most likely thing is a wiring mix up in the ac side. Probably earth bonding related.

2 |3000

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