
nic avatar image
nic asked

In ESS when batteries are full, the mppt throttles and does not help with loads

System info:

3x quattros set for 3phase

1x Smartsolar mppt 250/100

1x SolarEdge 3ph 27.6 ac-coupled to AC1-out

ESS assistand running

Mode Optimized (with battery life)

Issue 1 - Mppt only charges till battery is full then throttles, not assisting with loads

Issue 2 - SolarEdge displaying as a device but 'not connected'

Modbus TCP enabled, port 502, id 126, buad rate set 115200

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

these are my ess settings, so maybe try optimized without battery life, Re the solar edge I have no experience re these units and its always best to only have one question per question.

If this does not help then more info is needed and lots of screen shots.

IE all the assistant settings.

etc etc


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