
lnanne avatar image
lnanne asked

Why is the history screen changing for prior days?

I've been trying to understand absorption time and got concerned when it showed 30 minutes yesterday then 45 later in the day and this morning it showed 30 minutes for yesterday and now it's showing 45 for yesterday again. Then I noticed a lot of stats in the history screen changed between 7:13 this morning and 8:52 this morning. See screenshots. Do you know what's going on?

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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, most likely, the confusion / history mixup was caused by issues now fixed in v1.41, released today. More information here:

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Please upgrade the unit to the latest firmware and then see if you have the same issue.

I am not aware of this issue but lets see if it happens on the latest firmware.

this would be the starting point, and then we can do some more digging if needed

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lnanne avatar image lnanne commented ·

We are on version 1.39. Is that the latest? From what I'm reading, doesn't it force you to move to the latest version when it's available if you're using the app?

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

It may be related to the lack of a time clock, and the 'estimation' of the day. If you've switched it off at all then you may see relevance. Some discussion here:

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lnanne avatar image lnanne commented ·

mmmm... Not sure I see the connection. You can see the date/time in the name of the screenshots. They were captured around 7 in the morning about an hour and a half apart. The yield didn't change for "yesterday" so I assume it's not a date issue?

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