
shaunbowie avatar image
shaunbowie asked

System design help (Marine)

Hi, At present I only have a Victron Smartsolar MPPT 75/10 solar controller. I want to add a battery monitor and display. I am considering the Cerbo GX, the GX touch display and a 500A smart shunt. Are these items all compatible with the 75/10? I also want to future proof the system as much as possible to add Victron charger/ inverter etc at a later date. Any advice appreciated.

system design
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

An 75-10 would keep the battery charged for some nav lights, a HF radio and a boom box.

Adding a cerbo/touch 50 will increase load on the panels-mppt/battery above the systems capability.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Should work.

If you intend to use LiFePO4 batteries with certain BMS-es (such as Pylontech), you can skip the SmartShunt.

You can also skip the Cerbo GX display (you can monitor the system via LAN for instance). If not, you should know that there is a WiFi issue when using the display (and a fix for it) explained here.

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