
agroventuresperu avatar image
agroventuresperu asked

VEConfigure Compatible with What?

I've got a cerboGX, Multiplus 48/5000/70, and SmartSolar 250/100

Can I configure my system via the software, VE Configure? (The first page of the manual makes it sound like the program is only compatible with certain Phoenix inverters and nothing else). If so, what accessory cable do I need to connect to my laptop if I want to do everything without internet access or bluetooth?

VEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

VE.config is only for VE.bus devices (MultiPlus/Quattro/some Phoenix Inverters).

For devices with or Bluetooth you need VictronConnect (can also be used for VE.bus devices with at least FW 415).

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agroventuresperu avatar image agroventuresperu commented ·

If I want to make changes and update firmware, without using bluetooth or internet on site, what do I do? This is all very confusing. There's VEconfigure (which sounds like I'm not ever supposed to use except in extreme circumstances), Victron Connect, the internal control (in my case Touch 50 and CerboGX). Am I missing another?

I'm not sure what each is for.

To complicate matters even more, I've got four Pylontech US3000 batteries I'm hooking up. These are LiFePo4 batteries with integrated BMS, but the Victron manual about compatibility is strange.

Section 5 seems to be talking about the US2000 model, so it's not exactly clear. Is there an exact specification for how the US3000 is automatically pre-configured to run with the rest of my system (victron components)? Are the tables in section five the actual parameters (before making any modifications) or are is the article suggesting we use VEconfigure to change the parameters to the specs shown in the tables?

One thing that I noticed is the float voltage set at 51V. Is it a good idea float charging a LiFePo4? Shouldn't that parameter be lowered considerably?

I guess it's good that battery charging parameters "are automatically configured by the Pylontech BMU, and communicated to the rest of the Victron components in the system via DVCC." Supposedly the Pylontech would know what's best for the Pylontech, right? Does it ever turn into a conflict with what the Victron components want?

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agroventuresperu avatar image agroventuresperu commented ·

What is Is that another software program? Or is that the name of one of the cables?

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tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

You can configure your MultiPlus using VE.Configure. VE.Configure requires a USB cable. If you don't have one, you can use Remote VE.Configure using VRM, but this requires Internet access.

Wether 51V is too high or not really depends on the battery. Look in the datasheet of the battery, it should mention the charge/absortion voltage.

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agroventuresperu avatar image agroventuresperu commented ·

The charge voltage in the US3000 manual gives the value 52.5-53.5V, so does 51V sound good to you for a recommended Float voltage?

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agroventuresperu avatar image
agroventuresperu answered ·

...I found two different manuals by Victron on VEconfigure...

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